Collection: Amalgam Lamps For Koi Ponds

Koi and freshwater pond UVCs eliminate dangerous germs and algae using UV radiation. They can be installed in the pond's filtration system to destroy microbes and algae and maintain the water clear for the koi fish by exposing it to UV radiation. UVC clarifiers, together with mechanical and biological filters, are crucial to koi pond health.

Through mercury vapour pressure regulation, amalgam lamps produce more UVC and operate at greater temperatures. Mercury is fixed to gold amalgam spots along the quartz tube axis, unlike ordinary lamps. As the lamp's temperature changes, this amalgam patch absorbs and releases mercury to maintain optimal mercury vapour pressure. Since the mercury vapour pressure remains constant, the ultraviolet output of an amalgam lamp is unaffected by ambient air or water temperatures and stable across a wide temperature range. These amalgam lamps may generate more UVC at larger wattages because they sustain ultraviolet output at higher temperatures.