Collection: Koi Pond PH Treatments

Hatton Koi Stocks a range of PH treatments for Koi Ponds.

The pH scale is universally used to evaluate acidity and alkalinity; values between 0 to 6.99 are considered acidic, 7.0 is considered neutral, and 7.01 to 14.0 are alkaline. When it comes to ammonia's toxicity, pH is usually not an issue, but it can. More ammonia exists in the free form, which is extremely toxic to fish, in water with an alkaline pH (defined as a pH greater than 7.01) and rising temperatures.


The proportion of ammonia in its dangerous free form increases as both the pH and temperature of the water rise. Even extremely low ammonia levels could be detrimental to the pond fish's health if the water is acidic, so it's important to keep that in mind.


It is not feasible to intentionally manipulate the pH of the pond because it is very dependent on the pH of the nearby make-up water.