Can I use chemical treatments when using Aqua Balance Balls or Spheres?

Quite simply, yes…  but you will potentially kill the beneficial bacteria in the Balls. If you are using chemicals to treat your fish, then it is best to wait 7 days and then put a fresh batch of Aqua Balance into the pond.



Can Aqua Balance harm my fish? 

The Aqua Balance range is completely harmless to your fish. If they attempt to swallow a ball they will quickly spit it out. Should they swallow one, then it will pass through the digestive tract causing no harm.



How much Aqua Balance do I use? 

The dosages are on the tub. Don’t worry if you are not sure of your gallonage as you cannot overdose.



Is Blanketweed Resolve safe for sturgeon? 

Blanketweed Resolve is perfectly safe to use with Sturgeon and Sterlet. It is also plant and wildlife safe.